My oldest boy, Wyatt, turned seven a few weeks ago. As time usually does, it got away from me and we never took the time to take his seven-year-old portraits on his birthday, or even remotely close to his birthday for that matter.
Since I knew I would be taking pictures of Wyatt, I thought I’d throw the other two kiddos in the mix too and see what we’d get.
My mom is visiting and brought Sadie a dress she picked up at a local store in Michigan. It’s a little long for her, but I loved it and knew we would have to incorporate this dress into Wyatt’s pictures.
We braved the heat and prayed for good attitudes as we took off to take some portraits.
On a side note, I have the patience of Job when it comes to photographing children. I haven’t really had a bad client, but I have had some stubborn children to work with. However, when it comes to my children, all that good patience of Job stuff goes out the window.
Thankfully bribery still works for my children. And Chick-fil-A. Thank goodness for chick-fil-a.
Wyatt still had those adorable freckles, crazy red hair and warm brown eyes. He’s my sensitive kid, the one who asks all the deep questions as I’m tucking him into bed, the one who always asks how I’m doing, who loves to ride his four-wheeler, who can build a Lego dragon off the top of his head like nobody’s business, the kid who wants to be like his daddy, the baby who was born on his due date.
Just one favorite from my favorite firstborn.

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