These portraits are my nephews taken the summer of 2019. They look so grown up and yet they have changed so much since these were taken. We haven’t done portraits for this year yet, so I’m not too far behind right?
Sadly, I am months behind on my blogging on sessions and that simply must not go one. I’m slowly but surely working through my sessions from last year and those I’ve already photographed this year. I will get them all blogged and put up on the website.
These nephews of mine are always up to something. They love running around their property, making forts, ramps for the four-wheeler, and playing in the creek. You know, doing crazy things boys like to do. Speaking of crazy, try putting my kids, my sister’s kids and our sister-in-law’s kids all together. Ten kids under the age of 10, it’s a bit nuts.
Photographing family isn’t the same as photographing clients. I have way more patience for clients. Family. . . let’s just say it’s a work in progress. I’m trying to be more patient with them. Anyone else that way?
I have really grown to love photographing kids. My favorite images I tend to edit in black and white. I love the emotion that the simplicity of a black and white portrait can bring.
Anyways. . . here’s my favorite from the boys. If you’d like to see the last time I photographed them, we did a campfire family session, which was a ton of fun!

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