2018 has been a good year. It was a slower year for photographing clients, but it was also a year of educational growth and business development.
I am so incredibly grateful for the clients who I photographed this year and I look forward to photographing you in 2019. Your trust in me has helped give me the push I need to pursue education and try new things.
As I look back and reflect on the past 12 months, I am excited about the coming 12 months and how I plan to use them to serve my clients better and create a better experience for them and their families.
2019 will bring a new business line for Jodi Byrnes Photography and I am so excited to share the details with you shortly! This is has been something I have wanted to do for many years, but honestly, was afraid of even trying. I have made the promise to myself that this year I will push my fears aside and take a step of faith. So many entrepreneurs fail in their business because they are afraid of something, something that is holding them back from even trying. That will not be me any longer.
I will tell you more as the details come together, but in the mean time, if you want updates on when this business line will launch, I suggest you sign up for my newsletter. That will be the way I announce the line to the world.
Thank you for supporting me when you visit my website. Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter. Thank you hiring me to photograph your beautiful families. Thank you for encouraging me along the way. Thank you for 2018.
My top nine most popular posts via Instagram.

Let’s bring on 2019!
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