This young man is celebrating another milestone in his life, a birthday! We wanted to do something simple, outdoors, and showcase a bit of his personality. I love the texture of the rocks, and the lighting was just about perfect for this outdoor portrait session.
One piece of advice I’d give out is dress for your location if possible. Know where you are photographing and what colors would look well paired together. We knew this location offered a lot of green, so to balance that color tone out, we chose black and gray. Also keep in mind what colors compliment the client, sometimes it can be difficult to find that balance.
We chose to keep it simple with a gray t-shirt and then swapping it out later with black polo shirt. I loved the belt buckle and boots. This portrait session is actually a throwback to when this young man celebrated another milestone in his life, turning three! We even shot the portraits at the same location! I threw in a couple of those portraits at the end.

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